Mein Schatz war hin und weg, als er in meinem Fundus die süssen Stempel von WOJ entdeckte. Gern erfüllte ich ihm den Wunsch, für seine Arbeitskollegin eine Geburtstagskarte zu werkeln.
Bis jetzt habe ich noch nie coloriert - das war mein aller erstes coloriertes Motiv. (Farbstifte von Derwent)
Uebrigens habe ich damit das aller erste Mal an einer Challenge mitgemacht, bin ja mal gespannt was dabei herauskomt
My husband asked me to create a birthday card for his work colleague (a baker). As he found this cute Bear from WOJ in my stamps corner, I was happy to fulfill his wish.
Until now, I was scared about coloring, as I only had Twinklings H2O, which were too shiny for me...
With my new pencils (by Derwent) I love to "paint" - it's even relaxing... So this was my first - but for sure not the last one - pencil-colored motif.
By the way: With this project I attended the very first time to a challenge - We will see how it will end up...